A project about dance pedagogy curated by Laura Pante, in collaboration with Tulls Primultini. This series of workshops was inspired by the conclusion of my PhD thesis titled Land, Landscape, Habitat - three modes of the relationship between presence, body, and virtual. I tried to answer a question that was urgent to me, namely how and what it means to teach dance today. As a dancer, I have questioned my training and professional work to map a pedagogical posture capable of implying the performative aspects of both human and non-human agents while transmitting.
The main title of this cycle of workshops is Abbandoneremo le nostre case. Pedagogie radicali per un’etica delle migrazioni ecologiche // We will abandon our homes. Radical pedagogies for an ethics of ecological migrations. Every workshop is part of a palinsesto made of episodes. The first was called La danza dello sfondo // Background dance and it was organized from October 31st to November 3rd at my family home in Feltre (BL).
La Danza dello Sfondo // The Dance of the Background questions the notion of presence, body, and an embodied concept of virtuality through the careful construction of a habitat dedicated to movement transmission. The research focuses on three areas of inquiry: disordered, overlapped, and broken. These areas encompass non-human autobiography, the body as a landscape, and dance languages in a state of abandonment.
The pedagogical research process aims to open up its own space and to try to disorient the intra-action of texts and place, of biography and memory through performativity. On the occasion of the first encounter, the wrokshop produced a long take video to describe the experience, entitled BELOVED AT DAWN - Il cortile di Alba.
La Danza dello Sfondo // The Dance of the Background - October 31st - November 3rd 2024 - Feltre (BL).
On the occasion of the first encounter, the wrokshop produced a long take video to describe the experience. It has been shoted at dawn during the last day of meeting, and it is intitled BELOVED AT DAWN - Il cortile di Alba. The video witnesses the pedagogical process of questioning the relation between bodies and places, bodies and texts.
MAY 2023 - MAY 2024 Teaching assistant for the duo of fashion practitioners Tamar Levit & Yaen S. Levi, in occasion of Fashion and Performance workshop they use to hold in the context of the Bachelor degree in Visual Art and Fashion Design, at Iuav - University of Venice. Different students are involved in a set of pedagogical scores that deconstruct design procedures through writing, storytelling and critical fabulations.
NOVEMBER 2022 in the context of Bodies as infrastuctures - The Venice Assembly. A day of study through body and its habits during a three days workshop focusing on the theme of the relationship between infrastructure and bodies, questioning the nature of infrastructure, seen not only as physical structures but also as a social network curated by POST DISASTER a group of Italian architects based in Taranto. The project won Sustainable Art Prize 2021, and was organized by Sustainable Ca' Foscari in collaboration with Artverona.
SEPTEMBER 2022 Cosmo-Techno-Poetics - Incroci di pratiche per un habitat ecologica choreographic and critical workshop in collaboration with Danila Gambettola and Edoardo Lazzari, in the context of the dance festival Venere in Teatro, Forte Marghera - Venezia (2022).
JULY 2022 TAD residency 2022 together with the theatre maker Marta Cuscunà and the visual artist Silvia Hell, at Monastero del Carmine, Bergamo. We have been invited by Festival Danza Estate and Contemporary Locus to develop our work through a period of individual and collective research. PH. Mario Albergati - Contemporary Locus, FDE, TTB.
MAY 2022 Teaching assistant in occasion of Cristina Kristal Rizzo’s workshop on Choreographic practices, in the context of the Master Degree in Choreography and Dance practices at Iuav - University of Venice.
OCTOBER 2019 Teaching assistant in the occasion of Arkadi Zaides’ Performance workshop, in the context of the Master Degree in Choreography and Dance practices at Iuav - University of Venice.
MAY 2019 In the context of A.PASS advanced performance and scenography studies - Post Master Program - Brussels. During Troubled Gardens a semester curated by Nicolas Galeazzi, I organized and curated a one day long workshop titled FORM AND FORMAT - the decoding agency of touching where I presented the practice and theory involved into my collaboration with Cristina Kristal Rizzo on the topic of touch.
The iridescent - co - existent dimensions of Cristina's work guided us to practice together through the expanded agency of touch. We exercised and re - defined through the body the very concepts at stake in our design practices as: causality, matter, nature, technology, artificiality, body, time, space, and whatever - some - things we needed to graft in the vital cycle activated together.
FEBRUARY 2019 In the context of A.PASS advanced performance and scenography studies - Post Master program - Bruxelles. During Unsettled Study a semester curated by Vladimir Miller, I organized a shared practice titled SHIFTING THINGS - an aerobic analysis on order and disorder. This practice was a way to shifts all the props settled into our common space and in the meanwhile to activate an effective/affective, rational/instinctual response with theirs material agency and political positioning.
NOVEMBER // DECEMBER 2018 - Body Matter into Space a Dance Workshop held in the context of the Master degree in Theatre and Performing Arts, at Iuav - University of Venice. The workshop provided the possibilities to open a space to practice choreography and the relation between bodies and space.
ph. courtesy giulia zulian